Is the first week of the bucks-only season a hunter's choice season? No. Hunters must possess a valid Class N license to hunt antlerless deer. The 1999 antlerless deer season will be open on private land only the first 6-days (Nov. 22 thru 27) of the Bucks Only Season in 24 counties and the first 3-days (Nov. 22 thru 24) of the Bucks Only Season in 9 counties. In addition, these counties and 14 other counties, or portions thereof, will be open for antlerless deer hunting for 6 days, December 6 thru 11, on private and public lands. This is not a hunter's choice season in the counties where the antlerless deer season is open at the same time as the Bucks Only Season. Hunters may take only one deer per day, therefore, a buck and antlerless deer may not be taken on the same day. I'm a nonresident and I am coming to WV to hunt deer. Does my 14 year old son need a license? Yes. All nonresidents (except those who have a WV lifetime license) regardless of age, are required to possess a nonresident license. Both resident and nonresident hunters born on or after January 1, 1975 must show proof of completing a certified hunter education course prior to purchasing a license. I live in Ohio and I own property in Hampshire County. Can I doe hunt without a license on my own property? No. Nonresidents, even though they own and pay taxes on property in WV, cannot hunt on the property they own in WV without first obtaining a nonresident license. I am a nonresident and possess a Class E, LE & CS Stamps, am I required to purchase a Class UU Stamp if I substitute my bow for a gun during a regular gun season? No I purchased an X license in January and moved to PA in June. Can I still hunt as a WV resident in November? Yes. A resident who purchased a license during the year and holds a valid resident license when he moves out of the state, may continue to use the resident license for the rest of the calendar year. Only senior citizens (over 65), Class Q and veterans surrender their hunting privileges when leaving the state. I am a nonresident and only want to hunt bear, what licenses do I need? Nonresidents who plan to hunt only bear must purchase a nonresident bear hunting license Class EE ($150), a Bear Damage Stamp ($4), a Conservation Stamp ($5), and a Law Enforcement Stamp ($5). A Class I is needed for hunting on a National Forest. To hunt other species a nonresident must have a Class E license. Has the cost of nonresident hunting licenses increased? Yes. The nonresident license increase became effective January 1, 1998. See regulation for new prices. What is the LE Stamp? The Law Enforcement and Sports Education (LE) Stamp is required of all nonresident hunters, anglers and trappers in addition to the CS stamp and base license that applies to the type of hunting (Class E, EE, or H). Funds derived from the sale will pay for expenses relating to general enforcement of state laws pertaining to the conservation of fish and wildlife and or law enforcement education programs. RESIDENT LANDOWNER How many deer can I kill on my own property? A resident landowner on his own property can kill the same number of deer as a licensed hunter. A hunter (licensee or landowner) cannot exceed the number of deer allowed in the respective season. I bought a Class X Hunting and Fishing license. I also own property in Upshur County. Can I kill my first deer as a licensed hunter and then kill my additional deer as a landowner? Yes. However, the additional deer must be killed on your own land. I bought a Class X Hunting and Fishing license. I also own property in Upshur County. Can I kill my first deer as a landowner and then kill an additional deer on a Class X license? No. The hunter may kill his first deer as a landowner; however, if he does not possess a valid Class RG license he cannot kill a second deer on land he or his resident parents do not own. Can I hunt without a license on my resident parents' property? WV resident children may hunt on their resident parents' property without a license. Resident parents may hunt on their resident children's property without a license in all seasons except the antlerless season. A resident parent needs a Class N license to antlerless hunt on their resident children's land. I am a corporate landowner with over 1,000 acres, can I kill a second doe without a Class N license? Yes, as long as you are a bona fide resident stockholder of a resident corporation which is formed for the primary purpose of hunting or fishing and they own no less than 1,000 acres of land that is located in one of the Bonus N counties open to antlerless deer hunting. I am a corporate landowner. Can I kill a second buck without a RG license? No. The corporate resident landowner exemption law applies only to the Class N antlerless deer season. Does a second deer checked in by a resident landowner have to be checked in on a RG license or landowner? If a second deer is killed on the resident landowner's property, the resident landowner may check the deer on either a RG license or as a landowner. If the deer was killed on someone else's property, the hunter must check the deer on a RG license. In either case the deer is recorded on the game checking tag as additional deer (RG). Are landowners exempt from field tagging game? No. Does a resident under the age of 15 have to be accompanied by a licensed hunter or equivalent when hunting on his resident parents' property? Yes. Unless the person under the age of 15 actually owns the land. CLASS N ANTLERLESS DEER SEASON Do I need a Class N license to hunt antlerless deer during the first 3 days or 6 days of Bucks-Only Season? Yes. Unless you are a resident landowner hunting on your own land or a resident child hunting on your resident parents' property in one of the 24 or 9 counties open during the first 3 days or 6 days of the Bucks-Only Season. Are the first 3 days or 6 days of Bucks-Only Deer Season an "either sex" or "hunter´s choice"? No. Hunters must possess a valid Class N license to hunt antlerless deer. The 1999 antlerless deer season will be open on private land only the first 6-days (Nov. 22 thru 27) of the Bucks Only Season in 24 counties and the first 3-days (Nov. 22 thru 24) of the Bucks Only Season in 9 counties. In addition, these counties and 14 other counties, or portions thereof, will be open for antlerless deer hunting for 6 days, December 6 thru 11, on private and public lands. This is not a hunter's choice season in the counties where the antlerless deer season is open at the same time as the Bucks Only Season. Hunters may take only one deer per day, therefore, a buck and antlerless deer may not be taken on the same day. I am a WV resident and I applied for and received an eligibility card to hunt on Pleasant Creek WMA (the WMA lies in Barbour and Taylor counties). Am I restricted just to Pleasant Creek WMA to hunt antlerless deer during the Class N antlerless season? Upon receiving a permit card for one of the 13 WMA's, a hunter must go to a license agent and purchase a Class N license. When purchasing a Class N license, the agent must write on the face of the Class N license the name of the county in which the WMA is located (i.e. Pleasant Creek WMA - write in Barbour or Taylor County but not both). The hunter may hunt on the entire WMA or on private land in the county or part thereof listed on the face of the Class N license. The hunter must carry the permit card along with the Class N license. I applied for and received a permit for a Class N license in a limited county. Can I still purchase a Class N license for another county? Yes, if you did not kill a deer in the limited county or if you killed a deer in a limited county and wished to hunt in a county where more than one antlerless deer may be taken on an additional Class N licenses (see the 1999 White-Tailed Deer Hunting Seasons Regulations). Can I purchase more than one Class N license for different counties and do I have to purchase it before the antlerless season? A hunter may purchase as many Class N licenses as he wishes for as many different counties open to antlerless deer hunting; however, he may only kill the number of deer allowed for the season and only one deer per Class N license. Class N licenses may be purchased anytime. Do I need to specify in what county I plan to use my second Class N license? Yes. The Class N license is county specific. The county in which you plan to hunt must be written on the face of the Class N license at the time of purchase. CLASS RG-RRG LICENSE If I kill a buck on the first day of the bucks-only season in one of the 33 counties open, can I use my RG or RRG to take an antlerless deer on the second day? No. The Class RG or RRG licenses is only valid after checking in the first deer for the respective season. The Class RG or RRG would only be valid for taking a buck on the second day. Since the buck and antlerless seasons are two distinct seasons that run at the same time, the hunter must kill an antlerless deer prior to using his Class RG or RRG license to take an additional antlerless deer. A Class N license is required for taking the first antlerless deer. Can a RRG or RG license be used in any county with an antlerless deer season for a additional antlerless deer? No. The RRG and RG licenses are only valid for a additional antlerless deer in 40 specified counties. Can I kill a third deer during antlerless season and how do I check the deer in - what order? If the hunter purchased the additional RG license and two Class N licenses and is hunting in a Class N county in which the bag limit is 2, he is permitted to kill 3 deer. The order of checking is: first deer must be on a Class N license; second and third deer may be checked either as a second Class N and a RG or as a RG and a second Class N. SPECIAL MUZZLELOADER SEASON - WILSON COVE STUDY AREA Where is the Wilson Cove special muzzleloader area? Wilson Cove Study Area is located in Hardy County on the George Washington National Forest, Wardensville Wildlife Management Area. It is located at the head of Waites Run, approximately 6 miles South of Wardensville following State Route 5/1. This 5,000 acre tract of land will be closed to conventional firearm bucks-only hunting November 22 through December 4, 1999. Hunters may hunt bucks in the Wilson Cove Study Area during the early muzzleloader (November 22-December 4, 1999) season using muzzleloaders with iron sights. Can I hunt antlerless deer during the antlerless deer season on the Wilson Cove Study Area using a conventional rifle? Yes. After taking a buck with a muzzleloader in the Wilson Cove Study Area during the muzzleloader season (November 22-December 4, 1999) can I take part in the late muzzleloader season for deer of either sex? Yes, provided you have an unfilled RG or RRG license and hunt in a county open for use of unfilled RG & RRG license. Does a nonresident hunter, possessing a Class E license, need a muzzleloader deer hunting stamp (Class VV license) in order to participate during the muzzleloader season for bucks in the Wilson Cove Study Area? Yes. LIFETIME LICENSE I now reside in Ohio and possess a West Virginia lifetime license, do I need a Waterfowl Stamp? Yes. Lifetime license holders retain the privilege of an equivalent resident annual license for the remainder of his/her life but are required to purchase additional licenses at resident prices. I now reside in Ohio and possess a West Virginia lifetime license and want to antlerless deer hunt. What stamp do I buy and can I hunt in counties that are only open to residents? You buy a resident Class N and can hunt in counties open to residents or nonresidents. MILITARY LICENSE What licenses does a nonresident military person have to purchase? All licenses that a nonresident has to obtain. I'm on military leave and when I joined the military, I was a resident of PA. Can I hunt in WV without a license? No. I'm on military leave and when I joined the military, I was a resident of West Virginia. Can I hunt in WV without a license? Yes, however, he/she must purchase the additional resident licenses (i.e. A1, N, P, RG and RB) that are not included with free license privileges. Active military ID card must be carried in lieu of hunting license. GENERAL Is a person who holds a Class Q permit exempt from buying other licenses? No. The Class Q permittee is not required to have a Class A or Class AB or a Class MW license to hunt in West Virginia; however, the Class N, P, RG, RB, A1, U, V, W, CS, I, O and DS are not included with the privileges of the Class Q Special Resident Hunting Permit. Can a hunter during deer firearms season substitute a bow for a firearm without holding an archery license? Yes. A bow can be substituted for a gun during any firearms season except the muzzleloading deer season. Only legal bucks may be taken with a bow during the "bucks-only" season. Is baiting for deer legal? Yes. BEAR SEASON As a WV resident do I need any licenses to bear hunt on my own property? No. But if you decide to hunt on your neighbor's property, you need the appropriate hunting licenses. Is bear hunting legal during the antlerless deer season? Yes. As long as the hunter has the proper license to hunt bear. Is baiting for bear or turkey legal? No. |
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